Thank you for looking at the Mapplewell and Staincross Village Hall Activities Pages.
You will note that due to the high number of events that we have, we have had to split the menu into sections so that the appear quickly on your PC, Tablet or Mobile Phone.
This is the current full list but keep looking as new activities are being added as quickly as we can attract them to the Village Hall.
You will also find ‘one-off’events under our What’s On menu.
Art Group (Okatagon)
Ballroom & Sequence Dancing
Cardiac and Pulmonary Team
Circuit Training
Citizens Advice
Cre8 Minis
Diabetes Awareness Classes
DIAL Drop In Service
Exercise Group (Healthy Aging))
Katsu Kai Karate
Knit & Natter
Kung Fu
North Gawber Male Voice Choir
Painting & Drawing
Quilting Group
Tai Chi
Toddler Group
Pop-In Club
U3A Current Affairs
U3A Sing and Strum
Ward Alliance
Yoga (Evening Class)