Mapplewell & Staincross Village Hall hosts a number of activities, the majority of which are open to the public and anyone can attend, sometimes for just a small fee. This year the Village Hall Manager, Nick Hibberd, has been taking a closer look at some of the activities to explain why they’re important to so many in our Community.


Health & Wellbeing Day

Tuesday 8th March 2022

10:00am – 2:30pm


Described as a ‘Winter Warmer Event’, Darton East Ward Alliance with the support of Mapplewell and Staincross Village Hall, is putting on a ‘walk in’ practical day for everyone in the local community.


Here, in alphabetical order, are some of organisations that have already confirmed that they will be there are:

Age UK offers a variety of different services to an aging population which is quite extensive throughout the UK. These range from specialist day centres where people can go and feel safe and meet others, right the way down to ‘home help’, foot care and even handy person schemes that are designed to support you in your own home. This will give you the opportunity to find out what is available right on your doorstep today.

Barnsley CVS is an organisation which is run for local groups to support, promote and develop local voluntary action. This will be a chance for the ‘potential volunteer’ as well as organisations such as charities, community groups or social enterprises looking for volunteers. So you can find out more about this untapped resource that is available in this area. 

Berneslai Homes members of the home management team will be there to discuss better homes heating, just one aspect of their services which, during current times as more people slip towards fuel poverty, is a hot topic of conversation for everyone.

Coalfield Regeneration will be there primarily to talk about providing small training budgets and education and training for the longer term unemployed over the age of eighteen. However, the Coalfield Regeneration programme is as important to this area as it has always been.

Cryotherapy Barnsley Don’t suffer out of ignorance. Cryotherapy has many health and aesthetic benefits and was founded to accommodate a gap in the market for new technology which offers holistic, pain free, natural healing suitable for all ages. This will provide you with an ideal opportunity to find out more about this lesser known wellbeing service.

ITEC Ltd Are you stuck in a rut? ITEC will provide independent training and education advice from both an employers’ and the trainee’s perspective. So, if you’re a business wanting to expand and provide a professional training platform for your employees or an employee looking to personal develop your career opportunities, this will be your chance to find out more – and don’t forget to ask about funding?

Mencap Barnsley improve the lives of people with a learning disability and their families now, and fight alongside them for a better future. They will discuss social and leisure activities for people with learning disabilities and explain what support is available in this area.

South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service is the statutory fire and rescue service for the area and covers Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield. They will be looking to present the many different services that they bring to the local community, from life-saving projects, inspections and fire safety care to other training programmes such as the Princes Trust programme.

South Yorkshire Police who, following a spike of burglaries in the area, will be there to discuss your own personal security and provide practical advice on how to safeguard your own property. They will also be giving away free Smartwater forensic marking packs to help provide a robust traceability to your valuables and assets.

Specialist and Community Mental Health Services are currently working with lots of local partners in developing accessible and preventative initiatives within the neighbourhood and want to reach out into the community to explain their role.

Free travel can be organised through dial-a-ride. For more information, please call 07739902146 or email